Monday, December 19, 2011

Not forgetting loved ones during the holidays.

  This holiday season is all about being with family. Take the time to include your elderly loved ones in the festivities. Depression is a large part of the holiday season, and this is especially true for the elderly.

   During this time of the year, I am reminded of the many sad faces of residents in long term care facilities (nursing homes) who's family did not show up for a visit or share the holiday with them. The elderly sits and waits for family to arrive for a visit every day. The holidays intensifies the anxiousness they feel while waiting. Even after a few minutes, they can become anxious worrying if the family will show up.

  To help, be sure to call a head and let the staff know you are coming and when, so they may help mom or dad be ready and prepared. Don't forget to let them know how many are coming as the facility can help with arrangements for a private meeting room or setting up refreshments and providing a comfortable chair for mom or dad while unwrapping their many gifts.

  By including your elderly loved ones in the holidays at home or at the long term care facility, goes such a long way in their mental well being.

Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones!

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